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Tel. 0845 200 8420 / Mobile: 07970 946099

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We would love to hear your feedback ....


Elusive is an apparel brand founded in 2006 from a love of the ocean, surfing and the great outdoors.

From those chilly dawn sessions to balmy Indian Ocean perfection, we've got you covered.

We'd like to say we've created a lifestyle, keeping us in touch with the things we love.


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Waves, travel, pure stoke, a few more waves and surfing the web

Nick Clewer

It's been a busy few months in the Elusive camp. Team ambassadors off in search of tropical perfection and for those of us who stayed home and braved the UK shores, it's been a constant flurry of perfect offshore groomed Winter swells. 

In between those swells, the team have been busy behind the scenes rebranding our online presence and creating a new look website.

Ladies & gentlemen we present 

Have a browse, check out our products and share the stoke. We hope you enjoy it as much as us. #surfingisfun #elusivebrand 
